Dear Friends,
Living with Wolves envisions a world where wolves are valued and respected for their intelligence, their commitment to family, and for the vital role they play in making our ecosystems healthy and complete.
Our aim at Living with Wolves is to transform the way humans view, treat, and manage wolves. Yet, making the world a safer place for them and helping people understand why wolves matter is a large and complex task.
As you know, many obstacles stand in the way. Wolf habitat is becoming increasingly fragmented due to human impact. Continued fear, myth and misunderstanding of wolves perpetuate their mistreatment and persecution. But we face these challenges with an unwavering optimism that defines who we are as an organization and what we believe as individuals. Everything we do at Living with Wolves, from our multi-media presentations, to our educational outreach, to our collaborative research, works to change human attitudes about wolves. With your support we see progress everyday. Your voices are louder, more informed, more multi-generational and more unified then ever before.
Protecting wolves is protecting biodiversity and the wild places critical to our health, our planet’s health and the future of our children. Together, with your continued support, wolves will make a home on lands they once roamed.
Thank you for believing in our mission and for bringing it to life everyday.